Wu Style Tai-Ji Quan

Image #2
Caribbean Sea

37-Postures Wu Style Tai-Ji Quan

(13-24)-Postures Tai-Ji Quan --- Middle Course

This sequence of 37-Postures is abridged and rearranged version of the traditional Wu style sequence. This abridged version has been in practice for may years. Currently, in order to help practitioners to perform every movement of the solo posture and to be able to practice well, each of the solo movements is provided with explanation in words as wells figures. Therefore, the 24-Postures which are subdivided into two parts which are provided with two courses (Class I and Class II). People can learn more benefits by consisting proctice of Tai-Ji Quan.



Posture: preparation

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    Before doing the exercise, the physical body and the mind should enter into a state of preparedness.

posture 01_01
1  Beginning Form

Begininning Form

Posture 1: movement 1st-4th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    The initial move of the entire sequence of postures.

posture 13_01
13  Insert Needle to Sea Bottom

Insert Needle to Sea Bottom

Posture 13: movement 1st-4th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    One’s fingers are simulated to a needle which pricks the opponent’s sensitive point under armpit, a vital point called Sea Bottom point. However, the present-day practice usually omits this quick as flash movement but simulates the down thrust of right hand as the insertion of a needle to sea bottom. In the movements illustrated here, the author has followed the usual practice, but in the practical application of the 4th movement of this posture, the pricking of armpit point is retained.

posture 14_01
14  Flash the Arma

Flash the Arms

Posture 2: movement 1st-2nd

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    This posture derived its name from the fan-like correlated movement of waist and arms. The waist is likened to the mount of a folding fan and the two arms its covering. Rotation of the waist, which bring about the extension of two resembles the sudden extending of a fan from folded form. Another name for this postures is “Flash Arms Through Back” because it functions as a good exercise for the arm-stretching muscles connecting with one’s back.

posture 15_01
15 Left and Right Separate Instep Kicks

Left and Right Separate Instep Kicks

Posture 15: movement 1st-12th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    It is so named because in execration one tenses the instep of left foot in separating let foot to a leftward kick, and then tenses the right instep in separating right foot to a rightward kick. This movement is also likened to the spreading of a bird’s wings, and is also named wing foot.

posture 16_01
16  Turn and Strike with Heel

Turn and Strike with Heel

Posture 16: movement 1st-4th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    This is named after the 180 degrees body rotation on single leg and heel kicking.

posture 17_01
17  Step Forward and Punch Down

Step Forward and Punch Down

Posture 17: movement 1st-6th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    With a twist forward, one’s right fist punches down as if holding a sapling and planting it into an imagined hole in front of your left foot.

posture 18_01
18  Turn Around and Cast Down with Fist and Palm

Turn Around and Cast Down with Fist and Palm

Posture 18: movement 1st-2nd

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    The 180 degrees rotation of torso in coordination with flinging of fist and palm give rise to his name.

posture 19_01
19  Double Kick

Double Kick

Posture 19: movement 1st-6th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    The traditional jumping up and high kick with each foot in prompt succession gave rise to this name. But in recent years, only one kick is usually done, in order to render easier the execution.

posture 20_01
20  Left and Right Striking Tiger

Left and Right Striking Tiger

Posture 20: movement 1st-4th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    When one withdraws aside to evade an attack by extending arms to raise both fists, he is immediately on the offensive. This posture simulates the traditional image of striking an tiger.

posture 21_01
21  Two Fists Blow Ears

Two Fists Blow Ears

Posture 21: movement 1st-4th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    Unclench tow fists and separate them to either side of body, the to back of body. Finally clench hands into fists again with a long arc to strike at the opponent’s ears.

posture 22_01
22  Dodge and Kick

Dodge and Kicj

Posture 22: movement 1st-4th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    In this posture one turns body to dodge and then delivers a kick.

posture 23_01
23  Turn Around and Kick

Turn Around and Kick

Posture 23: movement 1st-4th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    Here the body rotates 180 degrees before delivering a kick with heel, hence the name.

posture 24_01
24  Press Face with Palm

Press Face with Palm

Posture 24: movement 1st-4th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    The palm is thrusted forward with a forward step on the same side of body. With two hands rotating, thrust of one hand is promptly succeeded by the thrust of another hand, constituting the effect of pressing and covering of the opponent’s face.