Wu Style Tai-Ji Quan

Image #2
Caribbean Sea

37-Postures Wu Style Tai-Ji Quan

(25-37)-Postures Tai-Ji Quan --- Advance Course

This sequence of 37-Postures is abridged and rearranged version of the traditional Wu style sequence. This abridged version has been in practice for may years. Currently, in order to help practitioners to perform every movement of the solo posture and to be able to practice well, each of the solo movements is provided with explanation in words as wells figures. Therefore, the 24-Postures which are subdivided into two parts which are provided with two courses (Class I and Class II). People can learn more benefits by consisting proctice of Tai-Ji Quan.

37-Postures (1-12)

Wu Style Tai-Ji Quan

Taiji Class I: (1-12)-Postures

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posture 01_01
1  Beginning Form

Begininning Form

Posture 1: movement 1st-4th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    The initial move of the entire sequence of postures.

posture 25_01
25  Cross-form Kick

Cross-form Kick

Posture 25: movement 1st-4th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    The coordinated movement of left arm and right leg in passing and touching each other is in the form of X, and is likened to the wind sweeping the lotus.

posture 26_01
26  Bruth Knee and Punch at Underbelly

Brush Knee and Punch at Underbelly

Posture 26: movement 1st-4th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    The Posture is same the 3rd Posture “Brush Knee and Twist Step” except that the last movement here uses fist instead of hand to attack the opponent’s underbelly.

posture 27_01
27  Front Single Whip

Front Single Whip

Posture 27: movement 1st-6th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    When one’s waist is straightened, top of head lifted up and legs squatting, the body is likened to the handle of a whip; whereas the spreading arms are likened to the leather of the whip. The downward motion of the handle transmits the force to the lash. Hence the posture name is given.

posture 28_01
28  Wave Hands Like Clouds

Wave Hands Like Clouds

Posture 28: movement 1st-6th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    The continual and intersected circling of the two arms in even tempo is likened to the sailing of clouds in sky.

posture 29_01
29  Down-pushing Stance

Down-pushing Stance

Posture 29: movement 1st-2nd

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    Here one changes suddenly from a high stance to a low stance like an eagle whirling in height of sky and descending suddenly to prey upon a rabbit.

posture 30_01
30  Step Forward to Form Seven Stars

Step Forward to Form Seven Stars

Posture 30: movement 1st-2nd

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    In this posture the following seven parts of the body, the head, two shoulders, tow elbows, two hands, two hipjoints, two knees and one foot constitute the shape of the constellation of the Big Dipper.

posture 31_01
31  Step Back and Ride Tiger

Step Back and Rie Tiger

Posture 31: movement 1st-2nd

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    The posture whereby one sits on one foot, with the other foot barely touching ground, and separates one’s hands, the rear hand in hook, is called in Chinese pugilism a Tiger-riding Posture.

posture 32_01
32  Turn Around and Press Face with Palm

Turn Around and Press Face with Palm

Posture 32: movement 1st-2nd

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    The torso turn 189 degrees to press the opponent’s face with your palm, hence the name.

posture 33_01
33  Turn and Kick Horizontally

Turn and Kick Horizontally

Posture 33: movement 1st-4th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    The horizontal circling or right foot, touching in turn the left and right hand which are also circling horizontally, but in reverse direction, is likened to lotus sweeping in the wind.

posture 34_01
34  Bend Bow to Shoot Tiger

Bend Bow to Shoot Tiger

Posture 34: movement 1st-4th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    The position of arms, the dodging body accompanied with an archer stance form a gesture of bending a bow to shoot tiger.

posture 35_01
35  Step Back, Deflect, Parry and Punch

Step Back, Deflect, Parry and Punch

Posture 35: movement 1st-4th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    The opponent’s offensive force is being deflected to left and right by your two hands accompanied with a backward stepping. The opponent’s chest is punched by your right fist.

posture 36_01
36  Seeming Close Up

Seeming Close Up

Posture 36: movement 1st-2nd

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    When the two arms cross each other in shape of X, they are similar to two strips of paper pasted in X shape for sealing a door. Again when the two hands push forward they are similar to the closing-door movement. The technical terms in Chinese pugilism for the above are respectively “Sealing & Blocking” and “Intersecting & Closing”.

posture 37_01
37  Embrace Tiger and Return to Mountain (Closing Form)

Embrace Tiger and Return to Mountain (Closing Form)

Posture 37: movement 1st-6th

  • Explanation of the posture name:
    Two arms arc here separated to turn and to embrace. Then two hands are crossed in front of chest to gradually resume the beginning posture, as is usually done after practising a whole series of posture.